aging with grace and panache | beatrix ost

Personal style and choosing an outfit for one's day or for an event completely changes one's attitude. It is also determined by one's attitude. The circle of life. You know.

That said, I find it quite distressing that people resign themselves to adopting a generationally-dictated style when they reach middle-age. Some even give up their stylistic preferences at the age of 26, citing "practicality" and "grown-up-ness". Outrageous. Also note: Comfort/movability and swimmingly good style are not mutually exclusive, despite all the evidence to the contrary on our sidewalks today.

Here I am to dash those standards to smithereens, and affirm my decision to take my own personality-reflective style to my grave. I'll also offer some inspiration for those who are discouraged by the societal norms for day-to-day senior-wear.

Today's topic is Beatrix Ost: author / visual artist / actress / film and theatre producer / designer. She is snazzy and wears turbans a lot.

via The Gold Book d'Odette
via Advanced Style
via Cult View
via Stylelikeu
via Miss Cavendish
via Advanced Style


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