berries and a denim romper

The week that just ended did so completely without my help. In fact, I'm inclined to think it intended to slip by without my noticing. Almost, Leap Week. Almost. Caught you by the Saturday.

I've found out that in order to get the fashion blog up and running, I'll need a full-sized mirror, unless I want to place my sets in natural-looking arrangements on the bed and take pictures that way. 'Twould be fun for a while, and maybe will happen occasionally, but I can't see that pleasing me for too long. Off to Craigslist...

Sold a few items at Daisy Exchange again. They gave me a store credit, which I was most excited to spend. As it turns out, after the credit was applied, I got five dresses and a little smocked denim romper for approximately $35 out-of-pocket. This method of wardrobe-updating is sitting happily with me.

Date night with Loverboy was, in two words, purely charming. Strawberry Daiquiri harkens back to the days of Mexico, luscious cheesecake (definitely didn't need to share two slices, but hey -- now we know that the Adam's Peanut Butter and the Coconut Chocolate pass the taste test [I would contend that mine, the Coconut, was the most desirable]), and a finishing off with Shrimp Scampi. We told our seafood-bearing waiter that we'd felt like eating our meal backwards, with dessert first, excusing our late arrival to the restaurant. It was his second day on the job. He served very well.

Last night, getting home, I suddenly felt the urge to listen to some scraping electric guitar and a grisly-intense voice singing out some passionate soul's heart. Some Anberlin made it to the speakers, some Collective Soul. I closed my eyes and soaked in the notes; I fairly felt the finger sequences flowing from my hands to the strings upon frets upon an instrument I've never played well, but plan to learn as soon as the cello is mastered. A song from Disciple ["Lay My Burdens"] is what finished it all off, what really did me in. What happened was very unexpected, but all the same welcomed, after some trepidation on my part regarding the addressing of sunk-deep matters of my heart, my burdens. Tears flowed. I had to let them. I was sorely tempted to swallow, raise my eyebrows, lighten my countenance, and let out a high-pitched and happy-sounding sigh. Here was another candid portrait of which I was most unfortunately afraid. My curiosity overwhelmed my fear, though, and I peeked in. It didn't kill me.

I may have begun my annual accumulation of suntan this afternoon. What joy.

Today I had berries. Lover and I concur: Berries contain the secret to happiness. Did you know that blueberries are yellowish-white on the inside, and not blue? It takes the patience to eat only half a berry at a time in order to see. This requires much self-restraint, as blueberries ask to be consumed as soon as possible. The blueberries were so fresh they popped when I bit. Dear, how I love a popping blueberry.


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